P.h.D (c) Celestino González Fernández
- Graduated in Psychology
- Master in General Health Psychology
- Master in Management Emotions, Coaching and Mindfulness
- Doctoral student in Clinical and Health Psychology (UAM)
- Master in Business Administration (MBA)
- Master in Management of Sports Organizations and Facilities
- Master in Big Data and Business Intelligence
- Physical Education teacher
Registered psychologist M-31476 whose experience and training is focused on Clinical and Health Psychology. University education. Training in Organizations and Public and Private Entities on Psychology and Technology, Human Management, Organizational Development and Healthy Companies.
Technopsychologist, expert in Psychology and Technology: Technostress Researcher: anxiety, fatigue and addiction related to the use of technology. I develop psychological therapy for different types of population through cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), third generation therapies (including mindfulness) and solution-focused therapy (TCS). I also use clinical hypnosis as a therapeutic technique.
Professor in Official University Degrees of Criminology, Marketing and Early Childhood Education. He also teaches a Master's in Business Administration and Management (MBA), a Master's in Human Management and Organizational Development, and a Master's in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability.
Currently PhD student in Clinical Psychology and Health in the Research Line of Health, Stress and Personality - Tecnoestrés.
Career path
The first part of my professional career has been linked to the Public Administration as a career civil servant in the area of physical health, sports and youth, so I have knowledge of administrative procedures. I am currently on voluntary leave of absence from the Public Administration.
Subsequently, and due to the fact that I am passionate about psychology, I began a new professional stage in this field, which allowed me to work with patients with more than 2,000 hours of therapy, create content and articles related to mental health and develop training in public entities and private as well as teaching university degrees and masters.
Currently I combine psychological therapy, university teaching and training in public and private entities.
In addition, I develop research in the field of mental health and the effect of the use of technology, of techno-stress.
Presentations, Projects and Congresses
- Technostress and Work hyperconnectivity: causes, intervening variables and consequences in the worker's health and well-being. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341434772_Tecnoestres_e_hiperconectividad_al_trabajo_causas_variables_intervinientes_y_consecuencias_en_la_salud_y_bienestar_del_trabajador_Technostress_and_Work_hyperconnectivity_causes_intervening_variables_a
- Lecturer and collaborator in television and radio programs, newspaper articles and scientific dissemination in national and international publications as well as online events and podcasts.
Upcoming publications in scientific journals.
See Professional Website: www.CelestinoGonzalezFernandez.com