P.h.D Helena López-Casares Pertusa
- Doctor in Business Administration. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
- Master in Marketing and Communication of IDE CESEM.
- Master in Communication and Defense of UNED.
- Master in Neuromanagement of ESCO.
- Master in Communication and Public Relations of ECOL-Universidad of Barcelona
- Degree in Information Sciences (Journalism section) at Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
Areas of Interest
- Communication.
- Uncertainty at the complexity era.
- Neurocience and leadership.
- Consciousness and emotions.
Helena López-Casares completed her doctoral studies focus on neuromanagement at Universidad Juan Carlos de Madrid, and was previously on the faculty of Journalism at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
She has studied some executive masters as Master in Marketing and Communication of IDE CESEM, Master in Communication and Defense of UNED, Master in Neuromanagement of ESCO, Master in Communication and Public Relations of ECOL-Universidad of Barcelona. She is executive coach too and she studied at Escuela Transpersonal of Coaching.
She has over 18 years´experience working as a professor in companies, business schools and universities. She works as a professor at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija of Madrid, where she teaches entrepreneurship, creativity and business. She teaches in some other universities, where she is invited to teach communication, leadership and emotional intelligence, as Universidad Europea of Madrid, Universidad Internacional of Andalucía, Universidad CEU San Pablo of Madrid, Universidad Complutense of Madrid and Universidad Jaime I of Castellón. She teaches neuromanagement in Universidad Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid. She collaborates with some training consulting companies and business schools as EUDE, IDE CESEM and CMI.
She has worked in communication and marketing area in some IT companies as Hewlett Packard, Sage or Aqua eSolutions. She has worked in some mass media as TVE, Gestiona Radio or Vaughan Radio.
She has written seven books and is member of ANE, Academy of Neurocience and Education.
- Blog en Huffington Post. Available at https://www.huffingtonpost.es/author/helena-lopez-casares/
- Blog Know Square. Available at http://www.knowsquare.es/quienes-somos/colaboradores/item/helena-lopez-casares-pertusa
- RRHH Magazine. Available at http://www.rrhhmagazine.com/secciones/articulosrecursoshumanos.asp?col=143
- Educación 3.0. Available at https://www.educaciontrespuntocero.com/noticias/habilidades-pensamiento-creativo-hacer-preguntas-poderosas/86105.html and https://www.educaciontrespuntocero.com/noticias/habilidades-pensamiento-creativo-apartar-juicio/79464.html
- Revista LQF. Available at http://www.revistalqf.com/helenalopez.html
- Blog Criteria. Available at http://blog.criteria.es/author/helena-l%C3%B3pez-casares
- López-Casares. H. (2009). Nadal, pasión y coraje. Madrid: LID Editorial Empresarial. (personal development and leadership).
- López-Casares. H. (2010). Equipos 10. Divalentis Editorial. .(teamwork).
- López-Casares. H. (2012). Emprende con Richard Vaughan. Madrid: Libros Libres. (enterpreneurship).
- López-Casares. H. (2013). Mario y el pijama mágico. Madrid: Vaughan Editorial. (coaching for children).
- López-Casares. H. (2014). Inteligencia creadora. Madrid: Vaughan Editorial. (personal development).
- López-Casares. H. (2014). Los sueños Violeta. Madrid: Vaughan Editorial. (coaching for children).
- López-Casares. H. (2015). ¿Y a ti también te han roto el corazón? Barcelona: Alienta. (coaching and psychology).
- Tiching. Available at http://blog.tiching.com/helena-lopez-casares-el-docente-es-el-gran-catalizador-del-cambio/
- Espacio Humano. Available at https://espaciohumano.com/entrevista-con-helena-lopez-casares/
- Crecer feliz. Entrevista disponible en http://www.crecerfeliz.es/Ninos/Desarrollo-y-aprendizaje/Poner-limites-a-los-ninos-en-Entrevista-a-Helena-Lopez-Casares
- Gestionando hijos. Available at https://gestionandohijos.com/helena-lopez-casares-no-hay-que-tener-miedo-a-los-limites-los-ninos-sin-limites-son-ninos-dispersos-sin-rumbo/
- Webconsultas. Revista de Salud y Bienestar. Available at https://www.webconsultas.com/mente-y-emociones/familia-y-pareja/entrevista-helena-lopez-casares
- Recomendar psicólogo. Available at http://blog.recomendarpsicologo.com/entrevista-helena-lopez-casares-1a-parte/
- Periodista digital. Available at http://www.periodistadigital.com/ocio-y-cultura/libros/2012/05/31/helena-lopez-casares-richard-vaughan-academia-ingles-ensenanza-profesor-mochileros-desprestigiado.shtml
- Diálogos de actualidad. Available at https://dialogosdeactualidad.wordpress.com/2015/11/20/helena-lopez-casares-autora-de-a-ti-tambien-te-han-roto-el-corazon/
- Diario de Sevilla. Available at https://www.diariodesevilla.es/entrevistas/sociedad-aburre-lleva-infidelidades-parejas_0_1028297855.html