P.h.D Ramón Fisac García
- Master in Gastronomic Tourism. Basque Culinary Center (Spain)
- PhD in Management Engineering. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
- MSc in Industrial Engineering (Specialization in Management Engineering). Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
Areas of Interest
- Entrepreneurship and venture creation
- Corporate sustainability and leadership
- Sustainable tourism
Industrial Engineer, he holds a PhD in Management Engineering from the Universidad Politecnica of Madrid. He is also Master in Gastronomic Tourism from the Basque Culinary Center.
His research focuses on two main areas:
– The creation and development of for-profit and socially-driven entrepreneurial initiatives. He has studied different business models, their implmentation and the measurement of their performance.
– Business sustainability from the triple bottom line perspective and the assessment of its impacts on society. Data analysis is a key tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
In 2009 he analysed the business models of different social enterprises of Muhammad Yunus’ Grameen group in Bangladesh. Since then he has participated in numerous acceleration projects of entrepreneurial projects in different sectors (agriculture, energy, technology, tourism) and contexts (Europe, Latin America and Africa). In 2013 he completed a research stay at the Global Social Benefit Incubator, the social enterprise accelerator at the University of Santa Clara (California, United States).
He has worked in the industrial sector from different perspectives: as a consultant in SinCeO2, where he led energy optimization projects, and in ACCIONA, where he worked in the corporate sustainability department, carrying out training and impact measurement projects.
In the teaching field, he was professor in the Department of Business Administration at the School of Industrial Engineers of the Universidad Politecnica of Madrid between 2009 and 2016. He taught undergraduate and postgraduate modules: Entrepreneurship, SME Management, High Growth Companies, Introduction to Business Economics.
Since 2013, he is lecturer in two international master’s programmes:
– The International Master in Industrial Management (IMIM) of the Universidad Politecnica of Madrid, where he teaches Small and Medium Enterprise Management.
– The Master in Management (MIM) of ESCP Europe, where he teaches Social Entrepreneurship.
He has been invited as a visiting professor in international master programs (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia).
Articles in Research Journals
- Fisac-Garcia, R., Moreno-Romero, A. (2015). Understanding Social Enterprise Country Models: Spain. Social Enterprise Journal, Vol 11, issue 2, pp. 156-177.
- Fisac-Garcia, R., Moreno-Romero, A., Acevedo-Ruiz, M., Juan-Ruiz, J. (2015). Identificación de los elementos organizativos clave en el desempeño de las empresas sociales. El caso de los telecentros en Latinoamérica. Revista Dirección y Organización, vol. 56, pp. 43-56.
- Moreno-Romero, A., Fisac-Garcia, R., Mahou-Fernández, A. (2013). Elaboración de una cuenta de gastos RSC como herramienta de gestión del cambio: El caso de Red Eléctrica de España. Revista Española de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. 15, Fundación Luis Vives, Madrid, pp.73-99.
- Fisac-Garcia, R., Acevedo-Ruiz, M., Moreno-Romero, A., Kreiner, T. (2013) The role of ICT in scaling up the impact of social enterprises. Journal of Management for Global Sustainability. International Association of Jesuit Business Schools. Manila, The Philippines, pp. 83- 105.
- Fisac, R., Moreno, A., Mataix, C. and Palacios, M. (2011) La empresa social: revisión de conceptos y modelo para el análisis organizativo. Revista Española del Tercer Sector, Fundación Luis Vives, Madrid, pp. 41- 66.
- AECA (2105). La empresa social: marco conceptual, contexto e información. Documento nº 9 de la serie Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas (AECA), Madrid.
- Fisac-Garcia, R., Moreno-Romero, A. (2017). Chapter 6: Spain. Understanding Social Enterprise Country Models: Spain in Kerlin, J. A. (coord.). Shaping Social Enterprise. Emerald Publiching.
- Borella, I., Carrasco-Gallego, R., Mataix, C., Fisac, R. (2014). Incorporating Small-Scale Farmers into Sustainable Supply Chains: A case Study.in Prado-Prado, J.C., Garcia-Arca, J. (ed.) Annals of Industrial Engineering 2012. Idustrial Engineering: Overcoming the Crisis. Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 367-374.
- Fisac, R. and Borrella, I. (2012) Caso Manobi in Mataix, C. and Borrella, I. Empresas que contribuyen al desarrollo humano. Seis casos prácticos en los sectores agroindustrial y de energía. pp. 66- 98. Cealci-Fundación Carolina. Madrid
- Fisac, R., Borrella, I., Mataix, C. And Moreno, A. (2011) Cómo las TIC pueden fortalecer la posición de pequeños productores en cadenas de valor agroalimentarias en Senegal pp. 211- 227 in Briz, J. and de Felipe, I. (coord.) La cadena de valor agroalimentaria. Análisis internacional de casos reales. Editorial Agrícola. Madrid
- Jayo, B., Fisac, R. and Moreno, J. (2010) La empresa social pp. 126- 138 in Lacalle, M (coord) Glosario básico sobre microfinanzas. Foro Nantik Lum de Microfinanzas.
Contributions to Congresses
- Contributions and attendance to different congresses and conferences: 9 international conferences and 3 national conferences on human development, development cooperation, business administration.
- Invited speaker at 2 conferences and a summer school in Spain.