Dr. Ramón Yordanis Alarcón Borges
- Doctor in Legal Sciences. University of Oriente, Cuba.
- Specialist in regulatory compliance in criminal matters. University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain.
- Master in Integral management of university training processes. University of Oriente, Cuba.
- Specialist/Master in criminal law. University of Oriente, Cuba.
- Diploma in administration of justice. Supreme People’s Court of the Republic of Cuba.
- Law degree. University of Oriente, Cuba.
- Economic criminal law and criminal liability of legal persons.
- Corporate social responsibility.
- Legal argumentation and criminal type creation techniques.
- Competency-building.
Ramón Alarcón received the degree in law from the University of Oriente, Cuba. He finished in the year 2006 the Diploma in administration of justice by the Judicial Training School of the Supreme People’s Court of Cuba. Studied and approved in an excellent way the specialization/master’s degree in criminal law.
In February 2012 he received as a Doctor in legal sciences by the National Commission of Scientific Degrees of the Republic of Cuba, with a unanimous/outstanding voting defense in the national permanent Tribunal for the juridical sciences.
In the year 2017, order by Ministerial resolution the teaching category of Titular professor. In the year 2017 have the title of specialist in legal compliance in criminal matters by the University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain; As well as the master’s degree in management of university training processes by the University of Oriente.
Dr. Alarcón have 13 years of experience as a university teacher and equal time as a litigation lawyer in legal-Criminal sciences, developing his work in criminal liability of legal persons, economic crimes, labor offences, social responsibility Corporate, environmental crimes, among other matters. He became Director of the Department of Criminal Law, business and international law, and in the year 2016 was promoted to Dean of research, postgraduate and international relations of the Faculty of Law.
As a teacher he has taught, in undergraduate and postgraduate courses, the subjects: General Penal Law, criminology, Criminal procedural law, Pre-professional practices, and criminal economic law. He has been tutor of diploma, specialization, Master’s and doctorate thesis. Speaker or delegate at more than 32 national and 33 international events. He is Member of academic committees of Masters and Specialties of the University of Orient.
He has carried out predoctoral and postdoctoral research stays in Ecuador and Spain. He has taught doctoral programs in Ecuador, Honduras and Guatemala. Is member of the Cuban Society of Penal and Criminological Sciences and of the procedural law of the National Union of Jurists of Cuba.
At the moment he held a second doctorate in law at the University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain.
Articles in Research Journals
- An approach of lege ferenda to the curricular design of criminal litigation as a professional competence, in the law degree at the University of Oriente, Cuba. ISSN: 1853-9092. Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina. Human Science Faculty. Indexed in: REBID Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico; CLACSO. http://www.argonautas.unsl.edu.ar/13%20alarcon%207.html. Material name: Argonautas. Revista Digital de Educación y Ciencias Sociales. Año 6, No. 7, octubre 2016. Elaboration date: 01/10/2016.
- An approach of lege ferenda to the curricular design of criminal litigation as a professional competence, in the law degree at the University of Oriente, Cuba. ISSN: 1853-4554. Inscripta en la DPPJ de Buenos Aires; Matrícula 39510. Available at: http://www.pensamientopenal.com.ar/doctrina/43575-acercamiento-legeferenda-al-diseno-curricular-litigacion-penal-competencia. Material name: Revista Pensamiento Penal. Argentina. Elaboration date: 07/06/2016.
- Didactic proposal for the formation of competition criminal litigation from the integrative legal exercise IV, in the fourth year students of the law degree, at the University of Oriente, Cuba. Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina. Human Science Faculty. Indexed in: REBID Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico; CLACSO. Material name: Argonautas. Revista Digital de Educación y Ciencias Sociales. Year 6, No. 6, April 2016. ISSN: 1853-9092. Elaboration date: 01/04/2016.
- Economic penal types with administrative authorisations: current problems of their main shortcomings in CUBA. Buenos Aires (Argentina): Revista Pensamiento Penal, Argentina, 15/12/2017. Available in internet at: <http://www.pensamientopenal.com.ar/doctrina/46108-tipos-penaleseconomicos-autorizaciones-administrativas-problematica-actual-sus>. ISSN 1853- 4554.
- Conceptual aspects of administrative authorisations as normative elements of the economic penal type. Buenos Aires (Argentina): Revista Pensamiento penal, Argentina., 14/12/2017. Available in internet at: <http://www.pensamientopenal.com.ar/doctrina/46103-aspectos-conceptualesautorizaciones-administrativas-elementos-normativos-del-tipo>. ISSN 1853- 4554
- Towards a valuation re-foundation of the succession of laws in the penal norms in white in Cuba. Revista Asociación Pensamiento Penal en Argentina. Edición No. 196. 17 de noviembre 2014. Sección Doctrina. Indexed in LATINDEX, Nivel 3. ISSN: 1853- 4554.
- Configuration, interpretation and application of the penal norms in Cuba. Revista Criterio Jurídico. Publicada por el sello Editorial Javeriano. ISSN: 1657-3978. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2014.
- The error of prohibition in Cuban penal law. Revista Pensamiento Penal. Argentina. Revista Pensamiento Penal. Argentina. http://www.pensamientopenal.com.ar/system/files/2014/11/doctrina40243.pdf, 2014.
- Mediation in the Cuban family business: necessary approximations without nuances of crusade. Legal issues of the family business in Spain and Cuba. Book coordinated by: Raquel Guillén Catalán, Raúl Vega Cardona. ISBN: 978-84-9099-583-9. Editorial: Aranzadi; Colección: DUO Monog. Spain. 2016.
- The social focus on risk management in Cuba. Contributions for coastal-marine governance. Risk management, governance and coastal districts; Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia, Mayo, 2015. ISBN: 978-958-8866-67-3. Aportes para la Gobernanza Marino-Costera. Gestión del riesgo, gobernabilidad y distritos costeros; Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia, May, 2015. ISBN: 978-958-8866-67-3, 2015.
- The succession of laws in economic offences configured as blank penal norms: proposals to not travel through a time of epilogues. Globalization, organized crime, criminal expansionism and economic criminal law in the 21st century. Book homage to Prof. Dr. Juan María Terradillos Basoco; ISBN 978-959-7219-24-8; Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba, Sociedad cubana de Ciencias Penales; Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de La Habana. Editorial UNIJURIS, 2015. http://www.lex.uh.cu/sites/default/files/5.%202015-LIBRO%20TERRADILLOS.pdf, 2015.
- The defective procedural activity: theoretical contributions for its improvement in our penal procedural legislation. Issues of law and criminal proceedings, from a contemporary criminal legal perspective in the confrontation with organized crime; Department of Penal Sciences and criminological of the Faculty of Law of the University of Havana and Cuban Society of Penal Sciences of the National Union of Jurists of Cuba. Coordinator: Dra. C. Mayda Goite Pierre. Editorial UNIJURIS, 2013. ISBN: 978-959-7219-08-8. Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba, La Habana, Cuba. Pp- 181-219; 2013.
- The use of the penal norms in white in the confrontation to the organized criminality contemporary. Issues of law and criminal proceedings, from a contemporary criminal legal perspective in the confrontation with organized crime; Department of Penal Sciences and criminological of the Faculty of Law of the University of Havana and Cuban Society of Penal Sciences of the National Union of Jurists of Cuba. Coordinator: Dra. C. Mayda Goite Pierre. Editorial UNIJURIS, 2013. ISBN: 978-959-7219-08-8. Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba, La Habana, Cuba. Pp. 5-57. pp. 5 – 57, 2013.
- The blank penal rules in the Cuban penal Law: a perspective of lege data and lege ferenda. Criminal law issues. General part. Book homage to Professor Renén Quirós Pírez. Coordinated by Dr. Carlos Alberto mejías Rodríguez. Editora Mayor General Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz; La Habana, 2015. Ministerio de Justicia, Cuba. ISBN: 978-959-7143-48-2. 2015.