P.h.D Samuel Botija Loaísa
- Ph.D in Environmental Science.Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
- Master Environmental Management. Centro de Estudios Tajamar.
- B.Sc. Economics (last year), UNED.
- Financing of innovative organizations.
- Strategic studies.
- Organization of research consortia.
Samuel Botija is a Doctor in Environmental Sciences with 10 years of experience in consulting. He is specialized in the management of R&D activities and intangible assets for obtaining savings in innovative companies. He have a scientific background, as he have conducted environmental research for nuclear and industrial facilities for 6 years.
He have dual chemical-environmental and economic-financial training, attraction for complex projects and the search for creative and innovative solutions, as well as a wide knowledge of tax regulations and a taste for permanent interpretation.
He have given numerous talks on business innovation in various specialized forums, as well as publications in specialized media.
Articles in Research Journals
- Castellote, M., Botija, S. and Andrade, C. (2010). Assessment of electrophoresis and electroosmosis in construction materials: effect of enhancing electrolytes and heavy metals contamination. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 40, pp. 1195-1208.
- Castellote, M. and Botija, S. (2011). Electrokinetic decontamination of heavy metals in construction materials: contribution of the different parameters to the global efficiency, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 41, 6, 695 – 703.
Book chapters
- AGarcía, G., Faz, Á., Botija, S., Conesa, H.M., Arnaldos, R. 2002. “Biorrecuperación de suelos industriales contaminados mediante el uso de especies vegetales autóctonas en la zona de Cartagena”. AVANCES EN CALIDAD AMBIENTAL. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2002, ISBN: 84-7800-811-X. pags. 287-293.
Participations in scientific congresses
- Castellote, M.; Botija, S. and Andrade, C. (2007). Zeta potential in cementitious materials: electro-osmotic experiments and electrophoretic measurements, 5thInternational Essen Workshop–Transport in Concrete, 11-13 junio 2007, Essen, Alemania.
- Castellote, M.; Botija, S. and Andrade, C. (2006). Rapid method for testing the waste immobilization ability of different cementitious matrixes, Advances in Cement and Concrete X- Sustainability. 2-7 julio 2006, Davos, Suiza.
Innovation Articles
- “Acreditación francesa como proveedor de I+D, un mercado aún por descubrir”. El Mundo, 2017.
- “El despegue de la aeronáutica española”, Cinco Días. 2014.
- “El Patent Box, un impulso para la exportación del conocimiento de nuestras empresas”, Actividad Aerospacial.
Presentations and Congresses
- SIMBIOCAT IV. Catalysis for the environment: elimination of pollutants and “green chemistry”. CSIC, January 2018. http://www.madrimasd.org/blogs/energiasalternativas/2017/12/19/133733
- International Congress Segovia 2017. Mayors & Innovation (November 2017) http://www.alcaldesinnovacion.com/
- I Business Forum Spain-France, 27 MARZO 2014. Cámara Franco-Española. http://www.lachambre.es/vida-camara/agenda/vue-detail/d/i-foro-de-negocios-espana-francia/
- Innovación: la clave del crecimiento empresarial’. Cámara de Comercio de Cantabria, 2012 http://www.europapress.es/cantabria/innova-00238/noticia-alma-consulting-organiza-jueves-jornada-innovacion-crecimiento-empresarial-20120520201723.html