P.h.D Totti Könnölä
- Doctor of Science in Technology. Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.
- Evaluation of Science and Innovation Policies, Executive Education. Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, The University of Manchester.
- Master of Science (Environmental Economics). Helsinki University, Finland.
- Licentiate of Science in Technology. Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.
- Management of innovation and sustainability.
- Entrepreneurship and digitalisation.
- Environmental economics.
Dr. Totti Könnölä, Managing Director of Insight Foresight Institute, is experienced executive, advisor and speaker in the realm of innovation, entrepreneurship and digitalisation to transform society towards sustainable pathways. He has coordinated many strategic foresight, appraisal, evaluation and decision-making processes together with industry management, research directors, policy-makers and other stakeholders.
He has attained experience in Europe and the Americas in the areas of management, research and policy advice especially in: i) the JRC-IPTS of the European Commission and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), ii) research and technology organisations and universities like IE Business School, Politechnical University of Madrid (UPM), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Helsinki University of Technology, Aalto University, Comillas Pontifical University (ICAI) and ESERP Business School and iii) venture caps, consultancies and industries like eGauss Business Holding I+T, Insight Foresight Institute, Impetu Solutions, Gaia Group and Stora Enso.
In particular, by founding and heading two digital innovation consultancies (previously Impetu Solutions and currently Insight Foresight Institute), Könnölä has gained first-hand experience in startups and activated an extensive network of collaborators around the world. He was also instrumental in scaling up the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and played an active role in the development of EU foresight capabilities and research and innovation policy benchmarking systems of the European Commission (JRC), incl. monitoring the innovation system of Finland.
He is an international advisor and board professional experienced in innovation practice, foresight methodologies and digital platforms for private sector, governments, European Commission and international organisations. For instance, Könnölä is a nominated member of ‘los 100 de Cotec’, a group of experts for Cotec Foundation for Innovation and a Member of the Advisory Boards of CARISMA Innovation for Climate Mitigation, Sustainability College Bruges and FOM Asesoramiento Tecnológico.
Könnölä is associate professor in business and engineering schools (UPM, ESERP, UNIR, etc.) and an accredited public university professor by the Ministry of Education of Spain. He holds Dr.Tech and Lic.Tech in Systems Analysis from Helsinki University of Technology and MSc in Environmental Economics from Helsinki University. He has also attended in Executive Education on Science and Innovation Policy Evaluation in the University of Manchester (MIoIR). He is a co-author of Palgrave Macmillan Book ‘Eco-innovation: When competitiveness and sustainability shake hands’ translated to Spanish and Chinese; an co-author of over hundred scientific publications; an experienced conference speaker and member of scientific committees. Könnölä writes also for daily press and professional magazines contributing to societal discussion on innovation, digitalisation and sustainability.
Articles in Research Journals
- Konnola, T., Eloranta, V., Turunen, T. & Salo, A. (submitted). Transformative governance of adaptive digital platform ecosystems, Research Policy.
- Jiri Janosec, Jose Manuel Sanjurjo, Totti Konnola, Francisco J. Jariego, Javier Perez de Vargas Cabrero, “Influence of Digital.
- Platforms on the European Industry and Policy Making”, MM Science Journal, Volume 2017, pp 1869-1872; doi:10.17973/MMSJ.2017_11_201716, Nov. 2017.
- Haegeman, K., Spiesberger, M. y Konnola, T. (2016). Evaluating foresight in transnational research programming. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (November). doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2016.07.017.
- Pombo-Juarez, L., Konnola, T., Miles, I., Saritas, O., Schartinger, D., Amanatidou, E. y Giesecke, S. (2016). Wiring up multiple layers of innovation ecosystems: Contemplations from Personal Health Systems Foresight, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2016.04.018.
- Dufva, M., Konnola, T. & Koivisto, R. (2015). Multi-layered foresight: Lessons from regional foresight in Chile. Futures, 73, pp.100– (JCR 2011: 1.29) doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2015.08.010
- Del Rio, P., Carrillo-Hermosilla, J., Konnola, T. & Bleda, M. (2015). Resources, capabilities and competences for ecoinnovation, Technological and Economic Development Of Economy; (JCR 2014: 3.23) doi: 10.3846/20294913.2015.1070301 Cagnin, C. & Konnola, T. (2014). Global foresight: Lessons from a scenario and roadmapping exercise on manufacturing systems, Futures, 59: 27-38. (JCR 2014: 0.99) doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2014.01.007
- Konnola, T., Carillo-Hermosilla, J. & Loikkanen, T. (2013). Governance of energy system transition: theoretical framework and empirical analysis in Europe, International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems, 3: 50-69. (IDEAS/RePEc).
- Haegeman, K., Cagnin, C., Konnola, T. & Collins, D. (2012). Web 2.0 foresight for innovation policy: A case of strategic agenda setting in European innovation, Innovation-Management Policy & Practice, 14: 446-466. (JCR 2012: 0.53) doi: 10.5172/impp.2012.14.3.446.
- Haegeman, K., Weber, K.M. & Konnola, T. (2012). Preparing for grand challenges: the role of future-oriented technology analysis in anticipating and shaping structural and systemic changes, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 24: 729-734. (JCR 2012: 1.09).
- Konnola, T., Salo, T., Cagnin, C., Carabias, V. & Vilkkumaa, E. (2012). Facing the future: Scanning, synthesizing and sensemaking in horizon scanning, Science and Public Policy, 39: 222-231. (JCR 2012: 0.98).
- Weber, K.M, Cassingena Harper, J., Konnola, T. & Carabias Barcelo, V. (2012). Coping with a fast-changing world: Towards new systems of future-oriented technology analysis, Science and Public Policy, 39 (2): 153-165. (JCR 2012: 0.98) Amanatidou, E., Butter, M., Carabias, V.,Konnola, T., Leis, M., Saritas, O., Schaper-Rinkel,P. & van Rij, V. (2012). On concepts and methods in horizon scanning: Lessons from initiating policy dialogues on emerging issues, Science and Public Policy 39, pp. 208–221. (JCR 2012: 0.98).
- Konnola, T., Haegeman, K. (2012). Embedding foresight in transnational research programming, Science and Public Policy 39, pp. 191–207. (JCR 2012: 0.98).
- Konnola T., Scapolo F., Mu R. and Desruelle P. (2011). Foresight Tackling Societal Challenges: Impacts and Implications on Policy-Making, (43)3, 252-264, Special issue on the 3rd. International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis, Futures. (JCR 2011: 1.29)
- Del Rio, P., Carrillo Hermosilla, J., Konnola, T. (2011). Enfoques y políticas de eco-innovación. Una visión critica. Ekonomiaz, 75, 84-111, Special issue on ‘Eco-innovación. Mas allá de los factores, la productividad de los recursos naturales’ (indexed in EconLit).
- Konnola, T., Salo, A. & Brummer, V. (2011). Foresight for European Coordination: Developing National Priorities for the Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform, International Journal of Technology Management,54(4), 438 – 459. (JCR2011: 0.52).
- Brummer, Konnola & Salo. (2010). Diversity in Foresight: a Practice of Selection of Innovation Ideas, Foresight-Russia 4(4), (56 – 68). (listed in Scopus, IDEAS/RePEc).
- Brummer, Konnola & Salo. (2010). Developing national priorities for the forest-based sector, Foresight, 4(2), 44-57. (Listed in IDEAS/RePEc, Scopus).
- Del Rio, P., Carrillo-Hermosilla, J. and Konnola, T. (2010). Policy strategies to promote eco-innovation: An integrated framework, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 541–557. (JCR 2010: 2.71).
- Del Rio, P., Carrillo-Hermosilla, J. and Konnola, T. (2010) Diversity of eco-innovations: Reflections from selected case studies, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 18, No. 10-11, 1073-1083. (JCR ISI, 2010: 2.42).
- Schoen S., Konnola T., Warnke P., Barre R. and Kuhlmann S. (2010). Tailoring Foresight to field specificities, 43(3), 232-242, Special issue on the 3rd International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis, Futures. (JCR 2010:0.97).
- V., Konnola, T., Salo, A. (2009). Finnsight 2015 – A Foresight Exercise for the Shaping of National Strategies,Foresight, 4(12), 56-65. 2009. 2015 (listed in IDEAS/RePEc, Scopus).
- Konnola T., Smith, J. and Eerola, A. (2009). Introduction: Future-oriented Technology Analysis – Impacts and implications for policy and decision making, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. (JCR 2009: 1.78).
- Salo A., Brummer V. and Konnola T. (2009). Axes of Balance in Foresight – Reflections from FinnSight 2015, Special issue on the 3rd International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis, Technological Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 21, No. 8, 987–1001. (JCR 2009: 0.93).
- Konnola, T., Ahlqvist, T., Eerola, A. Kivisaari, S., Koivisto, R. (2009). Management of foresight portfolio: analysis of modular foresight projects at contract research organisation, Technological Analysis & Strategic Management 21(3), 381–405. (JCR 2009: 0.93).
- Konnola, T., del Rio, P., Pombo-Juarez, L., Carrillo-Hermosilla, J. and Unruh, G.C. (2008). An empirical analysis of institutional barriers to European hydrogen RD&D cooperation, Int. J. Sustainable Development 11(1), 74–96. (indexed in EconLit).
- Del Rio, P., Carrillo-Hermosilla, J., Konnola, T. and Garcia Suarez, C. (2008). Challenges and opportunities of a post-Kyoto mitigation regime: a survey of the European electricity sector, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 13(8), 863-885. (JCR 2008: 2.02).
- Brummer, V., Konnola, T. & Salo, A. (2008). Foresight within Era-Nets: Experiences from the Preparation of an International Research Programme. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 75, 483– (JCR 2008: 1.761).
- Konnola, T., Brummer, V. & Salo, A. (2007). Diversity in Foresight: Insights from the Fostering of Innovation Ideas, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 74, 608-626. (JCR 2008: 1.761).
- Konnola, T., Unruh, G. & Carrillo-Hermosilla, J. (2007). Toward Prospective Voluntary Agreements: Reflections from a Hydrogen Foresight project. Journal of Cleaner Production 15, 259-265. (JCR 2007: 1.07).
- Konnola, T. & Unruh, G.C. (2007). Really Changing the Course: The Limitations of Environmental Management Systems for Innovation. The journal of Business Strategy and the Environment 16( 8), 525 – (JCR 2007: 2.88).
- Konnola, T., Unruh, G. C., and Carrillo-Hermosilla, J., (2006) Prospective Voluntary Agreements for Escaping Techno- Institutional Lock-in, Ecological Economics 57, 239-252. (JCR 2006:1.22).
- Salo, A., Brummer, V. & Konnola, T. (2005). Innovaatioaihioiden portfolioanalyysi KTM:n ennakointifoorumissa (Portfolio Analysis of Innovation Ideas in the Finnish Foresight Forum). Futura, the Journal of Finnish society of futures, Special issue on mathematical modelling in futures studies. 2-3/2005: 58-67. (listed in Elektra).
- Salo, A., Konnola, T. & Hjelt, M. (2004). Responsiveness in Foresight Management: Reflections from the Finnish Food and Drink Industry. International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy. 1 (1/2): 70-88. (listed in Scopus).
Books and chapters
- Konnola, T. al (2017). Las Empresas de Alto Crecimiento No Surgen Por Azar: Recomendaciones para Actuar en su Ecosistema, Madrid: Real Academia de Ingenieria, http://if-institute.org/eac?lang=es.
- Leceta, J. M., Renda, A., Konnola, T. and Simonelli, F. (2017). Unleashing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Europe: People, Places and Policies. Report of a CEPS Task Force. ISBN 978-94-6138-485-0.
- Konnola, T., Ahlqvist, T., Eerola, A., Kivisaari, S. & Koivisto, R. (2013). On Foresight Design and Management: A Classification Framework for Foresight Exercises, in Giaoutzi, M. & Sapio, B. Recent Developments in Foresight Methodologies, 133-164 pp., Springer, New York. 978-1-4614-5214-0.
- Carabias, V., Cagnin, C., Haegeman, K. & Konnola, T. (2012). FLA Anticipate Sustainable Development Challenges for Better Policy Support, in Giesecke, S., Se van der Giesen, A. & Elkins, S. (eds), The role of forward-looking activities for the governance of Grand Challenges, 63-72pp. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna. 978-3-200-02811-1.
- Carrillo-Hermosilla, J., del Rio, P. & Konnola, T. (2011). Eco-innovación: Claves para la competitividad sostenible y la sostenibilidad competitiva, Netbiblo, La Coruna. 978-84-9745-576-3.
- Carrillo-Hermosilla, J., del Rio, P. & Konnola, T. (2009). Eco-innovation: When Sustainability and Competitiveness Shake Hands, Hampshire, Palgrave-McMillan, 272 p, August 2009. ISBN: 978-0-230-20206-1. Spanish translation. (2010). Ediciones Deusto, Barcelona. M -15193-2010. Chinese translation. (2014). Shanghai Century Publishing Group. 978-7547820209.
- Carrilllo-Hermosilla, J. & Konnola, T. (2008). Towards a Sustainable Development through Eco-innovation. In: Lopez, R.A. (ed.) Progress in sustainable Development Research, 1-34, Nova Science Publishers, NY. ISBN: 1-60021-847-4.
- Konnola, T. & Rinne, P. (2001). Elinehtona eettisyys: Vastuullinen liiketoiminta kilpailuetuna (book on corporate social responsibility in Finnish). Helsinki, Talentum Media. 129 p. ISBN 952-14-047.
Conference keynotes/invitations
- Konnola, T. 2017. Innovación Corporativa en España: Enfoque en Ecosistemas y plataformas. Jornada “Nuevos modelos de innovación en la industria europea” 1 de junio de 201,7 Salón de actos del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), Madrid.
- Konnola, T. 2017. Foresight Methods and Practice Lessons Learned from International Foresight Exercises, Foresight Methodology Workshop, Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis Project (H2020) organised by La Palma Research Centre, 10-11 May/2017, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain.
- Konnola, T., Eloranta, V., Turunen, T. & Salo, A. 2017. Transformative governance of adaptive digital platform ecosystems, Building Expertise for Innovation, Conference on Innovation Decision Support Using Structured Expert Judgement 25-27 April, 2017, Aalto University, Finland.
- Konnola, T. 2017. Las plataformas digitales como una palanca para promover la economia circular, Roundtable La empresa y las políticas de innovación transformadoras, Ramón Areces Foundation, Madrid, Spain, 25 April, 2017.
- Konnola, T. 2017. La Revolucion de la Economia Circular, Keynote of the Plenary Meeting of La Comunidad AEC Calidad, Madrid, Spain, 9 February, 2017.
- Leceta, J. M. & Konnola, T. 2016. European Institute of Innovation and Technology: Policy Experimentation for Pan-European Entrepreneurial Innovation Ecosystems, Growth ecosystems as a tool in the new industrial and innovation policy, SITRA and Ministry of Economy and Employment of Finland, Helsinki, 28.-29. November 2016.
- Konnola, T. 2016. Innovar apostando por la gente y el ecosistema, Roundtable El mundo que no espera. VI Conferencia General de la Asociación Española de Fundaciones, 23 November 2016, Fundacion Barrie, A Coruna, Spain.
- Konnola, T. 2016. Unleashing innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe: People, places and policies, League of European Research Universities (LERU) Enterprise and Innovation Community (EIC), Universiteit Leiden, 8 September 2016.
- Konnola, T. 2014. Foresight Evaluation and Impact Assessment, Impact assessment of foresight exercises in the EU and Russia, Era.Net RUS, Moscow, Russia, January 30, 2014.
- Konnola, T. 2012. Proceso piloto de prediccion tecnologico enfocado en las necesidades de la Region de Antofagasta, III Catedra Postgrado Minera Esperanza, Innovacion, Emprendimiento y Liderazgo, Antofagasta University, Antogafasta, Chile, May 10, 2012.
- Konnola, T. 2011. Opening Horizons: what kind of new approaches are available, the Foresight on Future Demand for Forestbased Products and Services, COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Sekocin Stary, Poland, November 13, 2011.
- Konnola, T. 2011. Grand Challenges Responding Research Priorities: Remarks from Finland, EFP Final Event: Forward Looking Activities Governing Grand Challenges, September 27–28, 2012, Vienna.
- Weber, M., Cassingena Harper, J., Konnola, T. & Carabias Barceló, V. 2011. Building FTA Capacities for Systemic and Structural Transformations: New FTA Systems for Anticipatory Action in a Fast-changing World, the 4th International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA), May 11-13, 2011. EC-JRC-IPTS, Seville.
- Salo, A., Konnola, T., Liesio, J. & Vilkkumaa, E. 2010. A multicriteria consultation process for the development of European policy agendas, presentation at Aalto Event on Science and Technology in Society, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, August 17-18, 2010.
- Konnola T., Scapolo F., Mu R. and Desruelle P. 2008. Future-oriented Technology analysis in Security and Sustainability: Impacts and implications on decision-making, Anchor paper in the 3rd international Seville conference on Future- Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA), Impacts and implications for policy and decision making, European commission, JRC-IPTS, Seville, Spain, 16th-17th of October, 2008.